Modern Slavery Act Statement

In accordance with our Policy on Ethical Conduct, we will treat people respectfully and maintain ethical business standards in all the markets in which we operate.

MPI is an independent firm of engineering designers, technical specialist and project/programme consultants, currently with 10 staff, all operating in the UK. We believe the risk of slavery and human trafficking in our business is extremely low.

Specifically with regard to Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking legislation, our policies and procedures were reviewed and updated where required. We align our work and our business with the 17 no. UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with
strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests. Specifically in this regard, our Carbon Negative target, which incorporates carbon offsetting, will support many of the UN’s SDGs.

Where MPI engages sub-consultants, and suppliers of services and equipment to our offices, we seek to agree contractual terms which require compliance with Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking legislation. Our Code of Practice includes required actions to minimise the risk of Modern Slavery in our business. We have
and will continue to implement due diligence screening of our supply chain.